Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ramblings: Another Day at the Park

This video should be titled: "Why I'm glad I ran back inside to grab the diaper bag before our morning walk to the post office and then the park--or it would've been one squishy, stinky ride back home ."
Subtitle: "The Tale of the Poopy Hands."


Chris and Dianne Clan said...

At least he didn't eat it!!! My friend told me her son put his hands in his nasty diaper and then...he put his hands in his mouth. Uhhhhhh--it makes me gag thinking of it!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

look at you with your video!! i'm so proud. i've missed your voice, so nice to hear it. it's a good one. the poop i can do without.

ps, i like ur shadow.

BABSA Romney said...

You are hilarious. Your blog is great! Just having Ally is great, she gets hauled around everywhere and doesn't seem to mind.

Shaela said...

Still giggling... probably will be for a while...

Marnie said...

Laura--your twins are absolutely adorable. I had them in nursery last week and they were seriously a crack up. I can say this because I didn't have to clean up any bodily functions from bottoms or hands for that matter. We've all been there though!