Something shiny.
Something round.
Something Lincoln-y and wet.
Something hiding in the shadows of a dark tunnel.
Of course! You've got it! It's a penny wedged in my garbage disposal even tighter than my kung-fu grip. The thing's not budging. We even took the dang thing off and apart to de-wedge the 1 cent disaster. Nope. Not moving. It's stuck vertically against the sidewall of the thingy that holds the blades in place, so that the penny keeps anything from turning and spinning like it should. GRRRR. Dang 3 o'clock church. Oh, whoops. Sorry--it's a habit now. If you have something go wrong or disastrous, would you also please blame it on my 3 pm church time? That way I won't be the only one.
I spy with my little crystal-ball eye...
Someone profoundly frustrated.
Someone returning to the scene of her hit and run car crunch, getting mad all over again about how someone smashes a car and then just drives off.
Someone trying to pick out a garbage disposal strong enough to annihilate pennies, matchbox cars, fingers and thumbs, and whatever else makes in down that four inch hole.
Someone bribing two rambunctious boys with Sonic milkshakes if they will just SIT DOWN without anymore WWF wrestling, rabid monkey-like screaming, or attempts at dismantling the kitchen displays.
Someone sweating profusely but still enjoying a Route 44 Diet Coke, scheming of how to get that new baby installed before tomorrow's round of dishes.
Any handymen just sitting around, wishing and hoping they had something to do for an hour or so? (FYI--I can't promise that I or the boys won't stick something down it if you have the bumcrack issue that most plumbers tend to have...Or that a picture of the aforementioned bumcrack with whatever we stuck in it won't end up being posted on someones blog.)
Here's to hoping you have a better Monday than I will...
I think I recognize the man in your "Little Dutch Boy" cartoon from our ward! What a visual...
i was reading a long just fine, understanding everything until i came upon the sentence, "trying to get a baby installed"
excuse me?
i know i'm uneducated and stuff but i re-read that like 10 times and still am unsure of what that means.
if it is what i think it is, i'm like a PRO on installing babies...I really am. Austin and I together can do it with our eyes shut...every time.
lemme know if you need help.
Good luck. I think that we actually have a rock stuck in ours and one of the blades isn't turning right, but it's a rental house and we move in six weeks so...
Is that bad of me not to fix it? :)
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