Monday, December 21, 2009

Ramblings: Just a tip

If you are an adult, and you think you are in the market for footed pajamas, STOP IT. A 6'3", 200 lb guy shouldn't even be able to FIND footed fleece pajamas in his size. And can you imagine the sweaty feet?... gross.


Unknown said...

Wow. And they glow in the dark no less...

Sandito said...

Darn it! How did Jeremy find out where I was hiding his Christmas present?

Andrea said...

Eww. Seriously, though. Why in the world are those even available? Not one person that could fit in them should be wearing them.

Deanna said...

I bet you bought those and you're just trying to make us all believe you didn't. I see a family picture in the making...matching footed pjs for all 6 of you. Come on, you know you want to.

I agree with Andrea though, nobody that CAN fit those SHOULD wear them. Yikes!!!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

so did u buy them for him? i wanna see him IN them. ralphie...

Lil Eskimo said...

hey! i wore footed pajamas bottoms all through college. i would get up, tuck the feet into my tennis shoes, throw on a sweatshirt and giddy up to class. at first i got weird looks, but those passed. :)

but, i'm not 6'3" and i don't have sweaty feet. do i get a pass?